HeadStart Kinsman Location
7679 State Route 5, Kinsman, Ohio 44428
(330) 876-0181

Head Start is a federal program authorized by the Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007. Head Start provides comprehensive child development, health, and social service programs for low-income families. The goal of Head Start is to provide activities and programs that develop the social, cognitive, and emotional skills of children, while supporting their families’ well-being and development. Head Start is for children aged three to five years of age.

Stepping Stones to School in Kinsman
6383 Church Street, Kinsman, Ohio 44428
(330) 876-2205
Preschool and Pre-K for ages 3-5
Ready, Set, Grow: Ages 3-4years T-TH 8:45am - 11:45am
Pre-K: Ages 4-5years T-TH 8:30 am - 12:00pm
Extended care available until 2pm both age groups